So you’ve been making conscious efforts to go green, save money, and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Woohoo (virtual high five), I’m super glad that you’re making efforts to do your part. Kudos, babe.
Living a greener mindful lifestyle, switching to clean beauty, and creating a more eco-friendly home can be overwhelming but the good news is, most of the time it’s also a frugal way of life. WIN-WIN for the earth and your wallet.
Personally, I’ve spent a lot of time educating my hubby and bonus kiddos the proper way to dispose of “trash”. It's all about education. In our home, we have 3 bins. Compost, recycle, and trash. Years ago, we tossed 3 bags of trash a week. Now, we have one bag roughly every 2 week and that includes Me Time Botanicals waste. As a sustainable brand, I pride myself on reusing, upcyclng, and reducing waste as a business too (but more on that in a later post).
Did you know that I plant a tree for every single one of your orders?! Yep, feel even better knowing that your order is also doing something fantastic for the earth too.
Recycling isn’t ALWAYS the’s why.
At this point, you’re probably thinking, I already sort my recycling and take it to the curb, what else is there? Well, so much more actually. You’ve been led to believe that recycling is the only answer. I used to think so too. But just tossing things in the recycle bin just isn't enough anymore. WHAAAT? Yep, sadly. According to an article by Columbia University, “US recycling is broken” and it costs cities even more to recycle.
Case in point, the tiny town in Missouri, I grew up in doesn’t recycle because it costs too much. To compound the problem, (and even more sickening I might add) the major convenience store that everyone goes to, sells 32 oz soda in you guessed it..Styrofoam. Still. When I was a teenager and even in my early 20s, I used to drive up to that same C-store to get a 32 oz Styrofoam to-go cup full of soda daily. Yikes, I know.. bad for my body and the earth. Good thing, I’ve learned better.
Did you know most of the recycling that is picked up curbside is contaminated and not even recycled? GASP! Basically, jars and cans that haven’t been thoroughly rinsed have spilled all over all the glass and plastics you thought were going to be recycled. Unfortunately, most of the time, it can’t be. So where does it go...the trash. UGH.
So now what...recycling is STILL absolutely important
But do it correctly. Here’s how.
- Always read up on your area’s recycling program and requirements so you can ensure what you do recycle, gets recycled! Some cities only recycle certain plastics, may not recycle glass, or have specific rules.
- Thorough rinse out everything that goes into your recycling bin.
- Be on the lookout for community collection, stores that offer Terracycle or other take back programs (I’m working one), and recycling events.

Actually Being Green is easy
There’s lots of small things you can do to make a big impact. It starts at home so I’m sharing ways to reduce, reuse, and upcycle in order to avoid what goes into the recycling or trash bin. Sometimes the smallest things really do make a big difference.
4. Make veggie and bone bone broth out of veggie and bone scraps. They make yummy soups.
5. Compost at food waste with Compost Now to reduce trash waste. Every year 1000s of tons of food waste goes to landfills. Composting at home is easy with Compost Now. Compost Now is popping up in many areas which makes composting at home super simple. Use this link to see if they’re in your area. I personally use them.
6. Buy a compost bin or make your own compost bin.
Here it is..I found this table for $120 and painted it. Sweet find, right!
10. Think before you buy..Ask yourself “do I REALLY need this?”
11. Do a houseplant swap and ask for cuttings to start your own plant. House plants bring life into your home, reduce stress, and help purify the air. Plus this is a great way to reuse and upcycle empty jars and bottles.
12. Collect rainwater to water your houseplants and your garden instead of using water from the facet.
13. Switch your plastic razor to a safety razor. I love my Lisse razor.
14. Go minimal with your skincare by using multi-tasking skincare. Less is more when it comes to skincare in my opinion. Reducing the amount of product you use will not only put more into your wallet, its will reduce waste, and save you time on your skincare routine.
15. Switch to a low-waste bamboo toothbrush and try a brand like Bite, no more toss your empty toothpaste tube into the trash. It's a great product that I use every day.
If you’re stuck on using tube toothpaste, cut the top off and slice the tub open so you can scoop every last bit of toothpaste.
16. Turn down your water heater by a degree or two and wash your cloth in cold water. It will save on energy.
17. Now this one might be hard for some, but don’t take a shower daily. Skip the shower to every other or try every 2 days. You’ll save on water and your skin will thank you (hot showers and soap tend to dry out your skin)
18. Wash your hair only a couple times a week. Your hair will be less brittle and dry. Plus you’ll save time and energy by not washing, conditioning, blow drying, and styling your hair every day.
19. Use shampoo and conditioner bars to reduce plastic waste.
20. Hot Tip: Extend the life of your hairstyle, absorb excess oils, and refresh your hair overnight with Save the ‘Do Dry Shampoo. Apply before you go to bed so Save the 'Do can work her magic to boost volume and soak up excess oil. You'll brush out your hair in the morning, for a fresh blown out look. Easy peasy.
21. Limit single use plastics or try going plastic free.
22. Adjust your home’s thermostat, you’ll sleep better at cooler temperature in the winter (65-67 is optimal). Set your thermostat to 67 in the Fall/Winter. But I do recommend for better sleep, keep your thermostat around 67 -70 in the Summer (even though it isn't the most energy saving). Close vents in a room you’re not using to force airflow into the rooms you are. Open up the windows if you can during the off seasons to air out your home.
23. Wait until your dishwasher or clothes washer is full before running a load. It will save on energy and water too. Besides who likes to unload the washer and fold clothes. Me neither.
24. Carry a refillable water bottle with you aren't tempted to buy a plastic bottle out somewhere. Remember staying hydrated is important for healthy glowing skin too.
See it really is easy to go a bit greener at home and saving money when making simple small changes every day. I hope these 24 eco-friendly living tips help you live a little greener in 2024.
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