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8 Easy Self-Care Rituals for a Busy Schedule

8 Easy Self-Care Rituals for a Busy Schedule

Repeat after me, “my mental health is important”. Now, repeat it one more time but mean it this time! When is the last time you truly put yourself first, to focus on your needs?

Ever hear the airlines during their safety drill say “put your oxygen mask on before helping others?!?” This. Is. Absolutely. True. What a great reminder to self-care and learn the importance of Me Time. Ditch the guilt because you can’t pour from an empty cup. I know you may be thinking "I don't have time for Me Time".  There is no right answer to how to get more alone time but I have some ideas.

Most of us know that self-care is essential so why is it challenging to actually do it? Probably because we typically live our life in “shoulds.” How we think we “should” feel, act, or be instead of being true to what we want out of each experience. Kick the should to the curb and take time for you! 

When you think of self-care, you might imagine a day at the spa or a luxurious bubble bath. Or you might imagine something much simpler like reading a book or having a cup of tea before bed.

The idea of squeezing self-care into your everyday busy schedule can seem overwhelming, but the good news is there’s no right or wrong way to carve out Me Time!

Here are some of my favorite ways to weave a few self-care rituals into a busy schedule.


All you have to do is Breathe

Breathwork is one of the oldest forms of self-care. Seriously, it’s been practiced for thousands of years!!


Breathing exercises are an easy way to improve your mood, manage stress, and calm your mind in just a few minutes.


There are many different breathing techniques you can try. But one of the easiest methods for beginners is to count your inhales and exhales. This helps you to focus on your breath and slow down your racing thoughts. If your mind starts to wander, just start over. A meditation practice or breathing technique is all about bringing your mind back to your breath.

Here’s my favorite breathing techniques for reducing stress


  1.  Find a quiet space where you can be comfortable and not disturbed.
  2. Get comfortable, find a comfy chair, sit on the floor, or even lay down.
  3. Close your eyes
  4. Breathe in through your nose for the count of 4.
  5. Hold at the top of your inhale for a count of 2.
  6. Exhale through mount for a count of 8.
  7. Hold at the bottom of your exhale for 2.
  8. Repeat this cycle 10 times.


Pro Tip: Always ensure your exhale is longer than your inhale.  Don’t forget to end your breathwork practice with a smile for an instant mood boost!


You can practice breathwork anywhere, whether it be in a parked car, on a walk, while cooking dinner, laying in bed before you go to sleep! But if you want to take your relaxation to the next level, try doing some breathing exercises while soaking in the bath or while you indulge in a brightening face mask.


 Overwhelmed and frustrated with your skin? Grab the FREE guide that explains why and how stress causes breakouts and dull skin. Plus, it's filled with the Top 10 Secrets for Glowing Clear Skin. 

Me Time Botanicals Top 10 Secrets for Glowing Skin

Move your body

Moving your body gets your blood pumping releasing endorphins which help regulate your mood.  Take a quick walk around the block, a park, or try yoga. Yoga saved my broken soul and brought me back to myself even stronger and more aware. It’s PERFECT for activity for focusing on your mental health. Yoga isn’t about the poses, it’s about what happens while you’re in the poses.

It can improve flexibility and reduce soreness, and it’s a helpful way to calm your mind, teaches you to be self-aware, release tension, and increase your energy.

Spend a few minutes each day stretching your muscles in any way that feels good. Or, if you prefer guided stretching, try taking an online yoga class. A quick youtube search will bring up thousands of beginner yoga practices.

Explore Aromatherapy

Did you know smell is the strongest human sense?! And it’s closely connected to our memories and emotions. Use that to your advantage to level up your self-care routine!

Essential oils are a great way to try aromatherapy. You can apply them directly to your wrist, temples, chest, behind your ears, and on the soles of your feet whenever you need a boost of happiness or relaxation. You can even diffuse them.

Oils like sweet orange and lemon can be great mood-boosters, and lavender oil is the perfect choice when you need to calm your mind.

Our In the Buff Body Polish also has relaxing essential oils in it so you can turn your shower or bath into a relaxing retreat. Exfoliate and relax at the same time plus get rid of dull, dry skin. WIN-WIN!

Make time for your skincare routine

Does skincare really count as self-care? ABSOLUTELY! Skincare can be an essential part of your daily self-care ritual.

When you do your skincare routine, you’re carving out a few minutes of Me Time every day to focus on yourself and nothing else.

You can adjust your skincare routine to fit your needs on any given day! Some days a simple skincare routine might be all you need, but other times you might want to dedicate a little extra time for an hour long spa night to really indulge by adding in a face mask, a facial massage, or a relaxing bath with music.


Embrace Self-discovery

I’ve got a few more mental health tricks up my sleeve, check these out these self-care activities. 

  • Pour a cup of hot tea, coffee, or who are we kidding, a glass of wine & take in each sip knowing this is just for you. Use this time to reflect on your day and quiet time.

  • Write down 3 things that you love about yourself! Write it on your bathroom mirror so you will see it every day.

  •  Journal about a goal you have been putting off that you really want to achieve. Determine why you have put it off & find a way to make it happen

With these natural ways to reduce stress and anxiety in your self-care toolkit,  you’ll feel recharged, relaxed, rested, calmer, and  more patient? You might even notice improved concentration, enhanced relationships, and overall mental clarity. Making self-care a habit is essential to keep your body and skin healthy and a powerful way to nourish your soul.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to carve out Me Time. It’s personal and unique to every person. But I hope these ideas will give you a helpful start on your self-care journey!



 Overwhelmed and frustrated with your skin? Grab the FREE guide that explains why and how stress causes breakouts and dull skin. Plus, it's filled with the Top 10 Secrets for Glowing Clear Skin. 


Me Time Botanicals Top 10 Secrets for Glowing Clear Skin

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